We are excited to announce new waitlist processing! This functionality will take place in SURFS, and the previously used webform has been retired. Waitlist functionality in SURFS will be live when registration opens. Instructions on how to place yourself on a waitlist are below.

For the Summer 2024 semester, we will begin processing waitlist requests on April 29th, 2024. This timeline provides an opportunity for all new and continuing students to enroll in coursework, submit waitlist requests, and for the Scheduling Team to evaluate this information and determine if changes/additions to the schedule are necessary.

Each waitlist request will be reviewed and prioritized as follows: 1—Summer 2024 degree candidates and the specific course is required for degree completion; 2—Final term offering the course and it is specifically required for degree completion; 3—date and time of waitlist request.

When a seat is available, the SSW ORR will attempt to enroll you. If you do not qualify for the seat, we will email your @umaryland.edu account offering the seat and indicate the action(s) you need to take to claim the seat. We will provide you with a seat expiration date and time.

We will not override time conflicts, prerequisites, co-requisites, and/or holds on your record. Should you be unable to qualify for the seat within the specified time frame, your waitlist request will be removed, and you will need to submit a new waitlist request.


In SURFS, sections with waitlists will be displayed in the Status column and the number of available waitlist seats will also be displayed.

SURFS Step 1

To add yourself to a waitlist, scroll to the far right and select AddThe course will now show in the bottom right portion of the window in the Summary section. 



The course now appears with a Pending Status. Click the dropdown arrow of the Action column for the pending course. 


Select “wait list” from the dropdown menu. 


The action column now displays “wait list”. Click “submit” to process your request. 


Your request has been submitted when the Status column displays Waitlisted. 


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