Currently a number of faculty at UMSSW engage in global research. This includes research that is conducted internationally, as well as research within the United States with a global lens. For example, Dr. Michalopoulos and Dr. Wagner have extensive research projects in sub-Saharan Africa and Mexico. Further, Dr. Negi and Cardenas conduct research with the Latin X community in the US. Dr. Michalopoulos, Director of Global Initiatives and ADR Dr. Jodi Frey have also partnered to increase global research opportunities for faculty. Finally, Dean Postmus is on the Advisory Board of the International Financial Corporation of the Worl Bank Group Gender and Economic Inclusion.

Haksoon Ahn

Haksoon Ahn

Iris Cardenas

Iris Cardenas

Sarah Dababnah

Sarah Dababnah

Debbie Gioia

Debbie Gioia

Lynn Michalopoulos

Lynn Headshot

Nalini Negi

nalini negi

Corey Shdaimah

Corey Shdaimah

Jay Unick

.Jay Unick

Fernando Wagner

Fernando Wagner

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