Hybrid MSW Program Clinical Concentration

60-Credit Hybrid Program Two-Year Plan

For students who enter the program Full-Time in the Fall and wish to finish in 2 years. Students do not declare their concentration until the spring of their first year. Use this as a guide if you are considering a clinical or clinical/leadership, policy, & social change concentration. 60-Credit Hybrid Program Two-Year Sample Plan

Fall—Year One (15 Credits)

  • SOWK 610 – Structural Oppression and Its Implications for Social Work Practice (3)
  • SOWK 630 – Social Work Practice with Individuals (3)
  • SOWK 631 – Social Work Practice with Communities and Organizations (3)
  • SOWK 635 – Foundation Field Practicum I (3)
  • SOWK 645 – Human Behavior and the Social Environment (3)

Spring—Year One (15 Credits)

  • SOWK 600 – Social Welfare and Social Policy (3)
  • SOWK 632 – Social Work Practice with Groups and Families (3)
  • SOWK 636 – Foundation Field Practicum II (3)
  • SOWK 670 – Social Work Research (3)
  • SWCL 700 – Advanced Clinical Interventions (3) 

Fall—Year Two  (15 Credits)

  • SWCL 794 – Advanced Field Practicum I (6)
  • Advanced Policy (see Course Offerings for a list of policy courses) (3)
  • SWCL 744 – Assessment, Diagnosis, and Intervention Planning (3)
  • Core Clinical Methods (see concentration checklist) (3)

Spring—Year Two  (15 Credits)

  • SWCL 795 – Advanced Field Practicum II (6)
  • SWCL Methods (any course with an SWCL prefix) (3)
  • Elective (any advanced level course)* (3)
  • Elective (any advanced level course)** (3)  

* Clinical/Leadership, Policy, & Social Change students should take SWOA 701 (Advocacy)

**Clinical/Leadership, Policy, & Social Change Students should take any SWOA course 


60-Credit Hybrid Program 2.5-Year Plan

For students who enter the program as a Spring-Admit Only. Students do not declare their concentration until the spring of their second year. Use this as a guide if you are considering a clinical or clinical/leadership, policy, & social change concentration. 60-Credit Hybrid 2.5 Year Sample Plan- Clinical

Spring—Year One  (6 Credits)

  • SOWK 610 – Structural Oppression and Its Implications for Social Work Practice (3)
  • SOWK 600 – Social Welfare and Social Policy (3)

Fall—Year One (12 Credits)

  • SOWK 630 – Social Work Practice with Individuals (3)
  • SOWK 631 – Social Work Practice with Communities and Organizations (3)
  • SOWK 635 – Foundation Field Practicum I (3)
  • SOWK 645 – Human Behavior and the Social Environment (3)

Spring—Year Two  (12 Credits)

  • SOWK 632 – Social Work Practice with Groups and Families (3)
  • SOWK 636 – Foundation Field Practicum II (3)
  • SOWK 670 – Social Work Research (3)
  • SWCL 700 – Advanced Clinical Interventions (3) 

Fall—Year Two  (15 credits)

  • SWCL 794 – Advanced Field Practicum I (6)
  • Advanced Policy (see Course Offerings for a list of policy options) (3)
  • SWCL 744 – Assessment, Diagnosis, and Intervention Planning (3)
  • Core Clinical Methods (SWCL 703, 711, 715, 722, 756, or 773) (3)

Spring—Year Three  (15 credits)

  • SWCL 795 – Advanced Field Practicum II (6)
  • SWCL Methods (any course with an SWCL prefix) (3)
  • Elective (any advanced level course)* (3)
  • Elective (any advanced level course)** (3)  

* Clinical/Leadership, Policy, & Social Change students should take SWOA 701 (Advocacy)

**Clinical/Leadership, Policy, & Social Change Students should take any SWOA course 

60-Credit Hybrid Program Three-Year Plan

For students who enter the program Part-Time in the Fall and wish to finish in 3 years. Students do not declare their concentration until the spring of their first year. Use this as a guide if you are considering a clinical or clinical/leadership, policy, & social change concentration. 60-Credit Hybrid Program Three Year Plan of Study-Clinical

Fall—Year One (6 Credits)

  • SOWK 610 – Structural Oppression and Its Implications for Social Work Practice (3)
  • SOWK 645 – Human Behavior and the Social Environment (3)

Spring—Year One (6 Credits)

  • SOWK 600 – Social Welfare and Social Policy (3)
  • SOWK 670 - Social Work Research (3)

Fall—Year Two (12 Credits)

  • SOWK 630 – Social Work Practice with Individuals (3)
  • SOWK 631 – Social Work Practice with Communities and Organizations (3)
    • This course may be taken over the summer before Fall Two. 
  • SOWK 635 – Foundation Field Practicum I (3)
  • Advanced Policy (see Course Offerings for a list of policy courses) (3)

Spring—Year Two (12 Credits)

  • SOWK 632 – Social Work Practice with Groups and Families (3)
  • SOWK 636 – Foundation Field Practicum II (3)
  • SWCL 700 – Advanced Clinical Interventions (3)
  • SWCL 744 – Assessment, Diagnosis, and Intervention Planning (3)

Fall—Year Three (12 Credits)

  • SWCL 794 – Advanced Field Practicum I (6)
  • Core Clinical Methods (SWCL 703, 711, 715, 722, 756, or 773) (3)
  • Elective (Any advanced level course)* (3)

Spring—Year Three (12 Credits)

  • SWCL 795/SWOA 795 – Advanced Field Practicum II (6)
  • SWCL Methods (Any course with an SWCL prefix)  (3)
  • Elective (Any advanced level course)** (3)

* Clinical/Leadership, Policy, & Social Change students should take SWOA 701 (Advocacy)

**Clinical/Leadership, Policy, & Social Change Students should take any SWOA course 


60-Credit Hybrid Program 3.5-Year Plan

Students who enter the program as a Spring Admit have the opportunity to complete the program in three-and-a-half years. There are several ways to complete the program in this timeframe, and we request that you meet with your Academic Advisor to identify the plan that works best for you.

60-Credit Hybrid Program Four-Year Plan

Students who enter the program as a Fall Admit have the opportunity to complete the program in four years. There are several ways to complete the program in this timeframe, and we request that you meet with your Academic Advisor to identify the plan that works best for you.

Advanced Standing Full-Time Plan

For Advanced Standing students who enter the program in the Fall with a chosen clinical concentration and wish to finish in 1 year (and a summer). Students may make changes to the order of their plan of study with the guidance of their academic advisor. Advanced Standing Full Time Plan of Study-Clinical

Fall—Year One  (15 Credits)

  • SWCL 794 – Advanced Field Practicum I (6)
  • Advanced Policy (see Course Offerings for a list of policy courses) (3)
  • SWCL 700 – Advanced Clinical Interventions (3)
  • SWCL 744 – Assessment, Diagnosis, and Intervention Planning (3)

Spring—Year One (15 Credits)

  • SWCL 795 – Advanced Field Practicum II (6)
  • Core Clinical Methods (SWCL 703, 711, 715, 722, 756, or 773) (3)
  • SWCL Methods (Any course with an SWCL prefix) (3)
  • Elective (Any advanced level course) (3)*

Summer—Year One (6 Credits)

  • Elective (Any advanced level course) (3)**
  • Elective (Any advanced level course) (3)

* Clinical/Leadership, Policy, & Social Change students should take SWOA 701 (Advocacy)

**Clinical/Leadership, Policy, & Social Change Students should take any SWOA course 

Advanced Standing Part-Time Plan

For Advanced Standing students who enter the program Part-Time in the Fall and wish to finish in two years. This plan of study is for students who expect to have a clinical concentration. Students may make changes to the order of their plan of study with the guidance of their academic advisor.

Advanced Standing Fall-Admit Part-Time Plan of Study- Clinical

Fall—Year One (6 Credits)

  • SWCL 700 – Advanced Clinical Interventions (3)
  • SWCL 744 – Assessment, Diagnosis, and Intervention Planning (3)

Spring—Year One (6 Credits)

  • SWCL Methods (Any course with an SWCL prefix) (3)
  • Core Clinical Methods (SWCL 703, 711, 715, 722, 756, or 773) (3)

Fall—Year Two (12 Credits)

  • SWCL 794 – Advanced Field Practicum I (6)
  • Advanced Policy (see Course Offerings for a list of policy courses) (3)
  • Elective (Any advanced level course) (3)*

Spring—Year Two (12 Credits)

  • SWCL 795 – Advanced Field Practicum I (6)
  • Elective (Any advanced level course) (3)**
  • Elective (Any advanced level course) (3)

* Clinical/Leadership, Policy, & Social Change students should take SWOA 701 (Advocacy)

**Clinical/Leadership, Policy, & Social Change Students should take any SWOA course 

Advanced Standing Spring-Admit Plan

For Advanced Standing students at who enter the program in the Spring. This plan of study is for students who expect to have a clinical concentration. Students may make changes to the order of their plan of study with the guidance of their academic advisor.

Advanced Standing Spring Admit Plan- Clinical

Spring—Year One (6 Credits)

  • SWCL 700 – Advanced Clinical Interventions (3)
  • Elective (Any advanced level course) (3)

Fall—Year One  (15 Credits)

  • SWCL 794 – Advanced Field Practicum I (6)
  • SWCL 744 – Assessment, Diagnosis, and Intervention Planning (3)
  • Advanced Policy (see Course Offerings for a list of policy courses) (3)
  • Core Clinical Methods (SWCL 703, 711, 715, 722, 756, or 773) (3)

Spring—Year One  (15 Credits)

  • SWCL 795 – Advanced Field Practicum I (6)
  • SWCL Methods (Any course with an SWCL prefix) (3)
  • Elective (Any advanced level course) (3)*
  • Elective (Any advanced level course) (3)**

* Clinical/Leadership, Policy, & Social Change students should take SWOA 701 (Advocacy)

**Clinical/Leadership, Policy, & Social Change Students should take any SWOA course 

Hybrid MSW Program Leadership, Policy, & Social Change Concentration

60-Credit Hybrid Program Two Year Plan

For students who enter the program Full-Time in the Fall and wish to finish in 2 years. Students do not declare their concentration until the spring of their first year. Use this as a guide if you are considering a leadership, policy, & social change or leadership, policy, & social change/clinical concentration. 

60 Credit Hybrid Program, Two Year Sample Plan, LPSC

Fall—Year One (15 Credits)

  • SOWK 610 - Structural Oppression and Its Implications for Social Work Practice (3)
  • SOWK 630 – Social Work Practice with Individuals (3)
  • SOWK 631 – Social Work Practice with Communities and Organizations (3)
  • SOWK 635 – Foundation Field Practicum I (3)
  • SOWK 645 – Human Behavior and the Social Environment (3)

Spring—Year One  (15 Credits)

  • SOWK 600 – Social Welfare and Social Policy (3)
  • SOWK 632 – Social Work Practice with Groups and Families (3)
  • SOWK 636 – Foundation Field Practicum II (3)
  • SOWK 670 – Social Work Research (3)
  • SWOA 701 - Advocacy (3) 

Fall—Year Two  (13.5 Credits)

  • SWOA 794 – Advanced Field Practicum I (6)
  • SWOA Methods Course (SWOA 703, 704, 707, 708, or 709) (3)
  • SWOA Methods Course (SWOA 703, 704, 707, 708, or 709) (3)
  • Public Policy for Social Change I (1.5)

Spring—Year Two  (16.5 Credits)

  • SWCL 795 – Advanced Field Practicum I (6)
  • SWOA Methods Course (SWOA 703, 704, 707, 708, or 709) (3)
  • Public Policy for Social Change II (1.5)
  • Elective (Any advanced level course) (3)*
  • Elective (Any advanced level course) (3)**

*Students with a leadership, policy, & social change/clinical concentration should take SWCL 700 or SWCL 744

**Students with a leadership, policy, & social change/clinical concentration should take an SWCL methods course. 

60 Credit-Hybrid Program 2.5 Year Plan

For students who enter the program as a Spring-Admit Only. Students do not declare their concentration until the spring of their first year. Use this as a guide if you are considering a leadership, policy, & social change or leadership, policy, & social change/clinical concentration. 

60-Credit Hybrid Program 2.5 Year Plan of Study LPSC

Spring—Year One  (6 Credits)

  • SOWK 600 – Social Welfare and Social Policy (3)
  • SOWK 610 – Structural Oppression and Its Implications for Social Work Practice (3)

Fall—Year One (12 Credits)

  • SOWK 630 – Social Work Practice with Individuals (3)
  • SOWK 631 – Social Work Practice with Communities and Organizations (3)
  • SOWK 635 – Foundation Field Practicum I (3)
  • SOWK 645 – Human Behavior and the Social Environment (3)

Spring—Year Two  (12 Credits)

  • SOWK 632 – Social Work Practice with Groups and Families (3)
  • SOWK 636 – Foundation Field Practicum II (3)
  • SOWK 670 – Social Work Research (3)
  • SWOA 701 – Advocacy (3)

Fall—Year Two  (13.5 credits)

  • SWOA 794 – Advanced Field Practicum I  (6)
  • SWOA Methods (SWOA 703, 704, 707, 708, or 709) (3)
  • SWOA Methods (SWOA 703, 704, 707, 708, or 709) (3)
  • Public Policy for Social Change I (1.5)

Spring—Year Three  (16.5 credits)

  • SWOA 795 – Advanced Field Practicum II  (6)
  • SWOA Methods (SWOA 703, 704, 707, 708, or 709) (3)
  • Public Policy for Social Change II (1.5)
  • Elective (Any advanced level course) (3)*
  • Elective (Any advanced level course)  (3)**

*Leadership, Policy, & Social Change/Clinical students should take SWCL 700 or SWCL 744

**Leadership, Policy, & Social Change/Clinical students should take an SWCL Methods Course


60-Credit Hybrid Program Three Year Plan of Study

For students who enter the program Part-Time in the Fall and wish to finish in 3 years with a Leadership, Policy, & Social Change or Leadership, Policy, & Social Change/Clinical concentration

Fall—Year One (6 Credits)

  • SOWK 610 – Structural Oppression and Its Implications for Social Work Practice (3)
  • SOWK 645 – Human Behavior and the Social Environment (3)

Spring—Year One (6 Credits)

  • SOWK 600 – Social Welfare and Social Policy (3)
  • SOWK 670 - Social Work Research (3)

Fall—Year Two (10.5 Credits)

  • SOWK 630 – Social Work Practice with Individuals (3)
  • SOWK 631 – Social Work Practice with Communities and Organizations (3)
  • SOWK 635 – Foundation Field Practicum I (3)
  • SOWK 710 – Public Policy for Social Change I (1.5)

Spring—Year Two (13.5 Credits)

  • SOWK 632 – Social Work Practice with Groups and Families (3)
  • SOWK 636 – Foundation Field Practicum II (3)
  • SOWK 710 – Public Policy for Social Change II (1.5)
  • SWOA 701 – Advocacy (3)
  • SWOA Methods (SWOA 703, 704, 707, 708, or 709) (3)

Fall—Year Three (12 Credits)

  • SWOA 794 – Advanced Field Practicum I (6)
  • SWOA Methods (SWOA 703, 704, 707, 708, or 709) (3)
  • Elective (Any advanced level course)* (3)

Spring—Year Three (12 Credits)

  • SWOA 795 – Advanced Field Practicum II (6)
  • SWOA Methods (SWOA 703, 704, 707, 708, or 709) (3)
  • Elective (Any advanced level course)** (3)

*Leadership, Policy, & Social Change/Clinical students should take SWCL 700 or SWCL 744

**Leadership, Policy, & Social Change/Clinical Students should take an SWCL Methods Course

60-Credit Hybrid Program 3.5 Year Plan of Study

Students who enter the program as a Spring Admit have the opportunity to complete the program in three-and-a-half years. There are several ways to complete the program in this timeframe, and we request that you meet with your Academic Advisor to identify the plan that works best for you.




60-Credit Hybrid Program Four Year Plan of Study

Students who enter the program as a Fall Admit have the opportunity to complete the program in four years. There are several ways to complete the program in this timeframe, and we request that you meet with your Academic Advisor to identify the plan that works best for you.




Advanced Standing Full-Time Plan

The following is an example of a plan of study for a Fall-Admit in the Advanced Standing Program who is completing the program full-time. 

Fall—Year One (13.5 Credits)

  • SWOA 794 – Advanced Field Practicum I (6) 
  • SOWK 710 – Public Policy for Social Change I (1.5)
  • SWOA 701 – Advocacy (3)
  • SWOA Methods (SWOA 703, 704, 707, 708, or 709) (3)

Spring—Year One (16.5 Credits)

  • SWOA 795 – Advanced Field Practicum II  (3)
  • SOWK 710 – Public Policy for Social Change II (1.5)
  • SWOA Methods (SWOA 703, 704, 707, 708, or 709) (3)
  • SWOA Methods (SWOA 703, 704, 707, 708, or 709) (3)
  • Elective (Any advanced level course)* (3)

Summer—Year One (6 Credits)

  • Elective (Any advanced level course)* (3)
  • Elective (Any advanced level course)** (3)

*Leadership, Policy, & Social Change/Clinical students should take SWCL 700 or SWCL 744

**Leadership, Policy, & Social Change/Clinical students should take an SWCL Methods Course


Advanced Standing Part-Time Plan

The following is an example of a plan of study for a Spring-Admit in the Advanced Standing Program.

Fall—Year One (6 Credits)

  • SWOA 701 – Advocacy (3)
  • SWOA Methods (SWOA 703, 704, 707, 708, or 709) (3)

Spring—Year One (6 Credits)

  • SWOA Methods (SWOA 703, 704, 707, 708, or 709) (3)
  • Elective (Any advanced level course) (3)*

Fall—Year Two (10.5 Credits)

  • SWOA 794 – Advanced Field Practicum I (6)
  • SOWK 710 – Public Policy for Social Change I  (1.5)
  • SWOA Methods (SWOA 703, 704, 707, 708, or 709) (3)

Spring—Year Two (13.5 Credits)

  • SWOA 795 – Advanced Field Practicum I (6)
  • SOWK 710 – Public Policy for Social Change II  (1.5)
  • Elective (Any advanced level course) (3)**
  • Elective (Any advanced level course) (3)

*Leadership, Policy, & Social Change/Clinical students should take SWCL 700 or SWCL 744

**Leadership, Policy, & Social Change/Clinical students should take an SWCL Methods Course


Advanced Standing Spring Admit Plan

The following is an example of a plan of study for a Spring-Admit in the Advanced Standing Program.

Summer—Year One (6 Credits)

  • SWOA 701 – Advocacy (3)
  • SWOA Methods (SWOA 703, 704, 707, 708, or 709) (3)

Fall—Year One (13.5 Credits)

  • SWOA 794 – Advanced Field Practicum I (6) 
  • SOWK 710 – Public Policy for Social Change I (1.5)
  • SWOA Methods (SWOA 703, 704, 707, 708, or 709) (3)
  • Elective (Any advanced level course)* (3)

Spring—Year One (16.5 Credits)

  • SWOA 795 – Advanced Field Practicum II  (3)
  • SOWK 710 – Public Policy for Social Change II (1.5)
  • SWOA Methods (SWOA 703, 704, 707, 708, or 709) (3)
  • Elective (Any advanced level course)** (3)
  • Elective (Any advanced level course)* (3)

*Leadership, Policy, & Social Change/Clinical students should take SWCL 700 or SWCL 744

**Leadership, Policy, & Social Change/Clinical students should take an SWCL Methods Course


Online MSW Students

OMSW Three-Year Plan

Students in the Online MSW program enter in the Fall and finish their MSW in 3 years

Fall - Year One (6 Credits)

  • SOWK 610 – Structural Oppression and Its Implications for Social Work Practice (3)
  • SOWK 600 – Social Welfare and Social Policy (3)

Spring - Year One (6 Credits)

  • SOWK 645 – Human Behavior and the Social Environment (3)
  • SOWK 670 - Social Work Research (3)

Fall - Year Two (9 Credits)

  • SOWK 630 – Social Work Practice with Individuals (3)
  • SOWK 631 – Social Work Practice with Communities and Organizations (3)
  • SOWK 635 – Foundation Field Practicum I (3)

Spring - Year Two (9 Credits)

  • SOWK 632 – Social Work Practice with Groups and Families (3)
  • SOWK 636 – Foundation Field Practicum II (3)
  • SWCL 700 – Advanced Clinical Interventions (3)

Summer - Year Two (6 credits)

  • SOWK 708 - Integrated Behavioral Health Policy (3)
  • SWCL 744 – Assessment, Diagnosis, and Intervention Planning (3)

Fall - Year Three (12 Credits)

  • SWCL 794 – Advanced Field Practicum I (6)
  • SWCL 703 - Family Therapy (3)
  • SWCL 705 - Clinical Social Work with Addictive Behavior Patterns (3)

Spring - Year Three (12 Credits)

  • SWCL 795 – Advanced Field Practicum II (6)
  • SWCL 722 - Cognitive Behavioral Therapies (3)
  • SWCL 773 - Adult Trauma and Clinical Social Work Practice (3)

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