Drs. Dababnah and Fuld Co-Author Book Chapter

Clinical Assistant Professor Samantha Fuld, PhD and Associate Professor Sarah Dababnah, PhD recently co-authored a book chapter on Intellectual Disabilities in the new, fourth edition of "Clinical Assessment and Diagnosis in Social Work Practice."
Clinical Assistant Professor Samantha Fuld, PhD, (shown here) and Associate Professor Sarah Dababnah, PhD recently co-authored a book chapter on Intellectual Disabilities in the new, fourth edition of "Clinical Assessment and Diagnosis in Social Work Practice." The book uses a biopsychosocial risk and resilience perspective to explore different approaches to assessment and intervention using a social work lens.https://global.oup.com/academic/product/clinical-assessment-and-diagnosis-in-social-work-practice-9780197559109?cc=us&lang=en#