PhD Student Alicia Castaneda Hatfield accepted to Summer Institute in Anti-Racist and Decolonizing Research Methods

First Year PhD student, Alicia Castaneda Hatfield was recently accepted to the Summer Institute in Anti-Racist and Decolonizing Research Methods to be held at George Mason University
First Year PhD student, Alicia Castaneda Hatfield was recently accepted to the Summer Institute in Anti-Racist and Decolonizing Research Methods to be held at George Mason University
Alicia Castaneda Hatfield's research interests lie at the nexus of public policy, qualitative methods, and women experiencing homelessness. Specifically, she is interested in utilizing participatory qualitative methods to explore homelessness with an intersectional and feminist lens directed toward the identification of loopholes in housing policies. As a George Mason University Summer Institute Fellow, Alicia will learn more about racist and colonialist paradigms embedded in research. She intends to apply the knowledge gained from this fellowship to disrupt practices rooted in white supremacy and imperialism, and to ensure the voices of people who have been minoritized and are experiencing homelessness are heard.