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Are Welfare Recipients with the Most Severe Work Sanction Particularly Disadvantaged?
(March, 2016) Lisa Thiebaud Nicoli
In this brief, we explore differences among Temporary Cash Assistance (TCA) clients with 1-day, 10-day, and 30-day work sanctions. Using the entire population of work-eligible cases that closed between October 2013 and September 2014, we find considerable diversity within the work-sanctioned population. Customers with 1-day work sanctions have more advantageous characteristics, such as a greater likelihood of education beyond high school. Customers with 30-day sanctions are a distinct population: they were the most likely to return to TCA, and they earned the least, both before receiving TCA and after case closure. |
An Overview of Work Sanctions in Maryland
(February, 2016) Lisa Thiebaud Nicoli
In this brief, we provide a snapshot of what work sanctions look like in Maryland today. Focusing on cases that closed between October 2013 and September 2014, we find that 60% of cases subject to the work requirement received at least one work sanction during that year. Maryland’s most severe work sanction, which closes the case for 30 days, is also the most common sanction. Of cases that received a work sanction, one in four had at least one more work sanction during the same year. |
Welfare Cases with Child Support Sanctions: Characteristics and Outcomes
(July 2015) Lauren A. Hall, Letitia Logan Passarella, & Lisa Thiebaud Nicoli
In this brief, we profile Temporary Cash Assistance (TCA) cases that closed due to a child support sanction. In Maryland, when the adult on a TCA case does not comply with the federal requirement to cooperate with the local public child support agency, the case receives a full-family sanction, meaning that the entire assistance grant is revoked. While these sanctions are rare, comprising less than 5% of all case closures, their share of closed cases has grown in recent years. |
Full-Family Sanctions & Economic Recession
(January 2011) Sarah Williamson
This brief describes the population of sanctioned families and what happens to them in the short- and long-term aftermath of their involuntary welfare case closure. |
Full FamilySanctions: Long-term Outcomes of Sanctioned Welfare Leavers
(October 2010) Pamela C. Ovwigho, Nicholas Kolupanowich, Catherine E. Born
This report information on the characteristics and outcomes of 15,259families that exited Maryland’s welfare rolls between April 1998 and March 2008. Wecompare the characteristics and outcomes of those whose cases were closed becauseof a full family sanction for non-compliance with work to those who exitedfor other reasons. |
Life After Welfare: A Look at Sanctioned Families
(November 1999) Catherine E. Born, Pamela J. Caudill, Melinda L. Cordero
A detailed analysis of the use and effects of full-family sanctions for non-compliance with work and non-cooperation with child support during the first 18 months of welfare reform. |