The goal of the Field Education program is to prepare competent professional social workers. To that end, the program is guided by the Council on Social Work Education (CSWE) competencies that MSW students acquire in a Masters’ program. Each social work competency identifies the behavior(s) students develop and practice at their Field Practicum. For more details concerning these behaviors, you may refer to the field practicum syllabi (for foundation, advanced clinical, and advanced macro).
2015 Council on Social Work Education (CSWE) EPAS: 9 Social Work Competencies with
31 Foundation Generalist Behaviors
16 Clinical Advanced Behaviors
17 Macro Advanced Behaviors
Competencies: Nine Social Work Competencies identify the essential skills and behaviors that encompass and describe the essence of Professional Social Work Practice.
Behaviors: Observable actions that demonstrate an integration of knowledge, values, skills, and cognitive and affective processes that comprise the competency.
CSWE EPAS Competencies and Behaviors [PRINTABLE VERSION]