New Students Entering Field

Field Education is an essential component in social work education.  Your field practicum placement is where you get to apply the knowledge and skills you learn in the classroom to actual people and to real-life situations, under the supervision of a licensed social worker.  It is the place where you learn how to become a social worker and make positive contributions to the lives of others.

In the next few weeks, the Office of Field Education will send an email to your SSW email inbox, which will contain the link and instructions for completing your Field Education application online in Sonia.     

Once your application is received, a faculty field coordinator will review it to find the most suitable placement for you based on the information provided in the application.


The Office of Field Education will be holding several information sessions for students who will be taking practicum in the fall 2025.  We look forward to providing information and answering your questions.  Please click on the session date to register.

Please view our updated Frequently Asked Questions Page for more information.

Please contact us with any questions you may have. You may call or email the Office of Field Education to schedule an appointment with a Field Coordinator to discuss your field opportunities at (410) 706-7187 or

We wish you every success as you begin your professional training. Don't forget, as a new student you will need to attend Field Education Orientation in August prior to beginning practicum.


Student Orientation

Students who are new to the program must attend a student orientation prior to beginning practicum.  Orientations are held mid to late August.  Please check the Orientation page for more information and updates. 

 Go to Student Field Education Orientation for more information.

Student Field Experiences

This form will allow you to record and share alternative field experiences.


Field Experiences: Reflection Assignment

International Placement Program

The International Placement Program (IPP) provides social work students the opportunity to spend a semester abroad. Students are immersed in a cross- culture experience and gain a unique perspective on social work practices while completing an advanced field placement and coursework. This opportunity focuses on engaging in different ways of knowing and approaching social challenges. Learn more here: International Placement Program

If your last name starts with A-L, you will be in practicum Monday & Wednesday

If your last name starts with M-Z, you will be in practicum Tuesday & Thursday

The Child Welfare Program and Shady Grove students will be in practicum Tuesday & Thursday


Ready to be a Changemaker?