Partnering for Success (PFS) builds workforce competency to improve mental health outcomes for children and youth in the child welfare and juvenile justice systems. PFS provides a framework for cross-system collaboration to create skilled partnership between the systems responsible for the coordination of care (e.g., child welfare and juvenile justice) and the providers of evidence-based programs and practices (EBPs). PFS builds core competencies of child welfare and juvenile justice professionals through training, coaching, and organizational support that focuses on three levels:

  1. The system level
  2. The staff and leadership level
  3. The child and youth level

This results in a shared knowledge base, as well as common protocols, practices, and tools to assess needs, support treatment, and monitor progress.

Partnering for Success Training and Transfer of Learning Tailored to:
  • Care Coordinators to Partner with Evidence-Based Service Providers to Improve Child and Youth Well-being
  • Mental Health Providers to Support Youth Mental Health Needs
  • Treatment Foster Care Coordinators to Support Youth Mental Health Needs
  • System Leaders

Technical Assistance

Our team brings extensive knowledge of practice and administration. We deliver effective, flexible, and integrated consultation and other types of technical assistance that are responsive to the individual and organization’s needs.


Current Highlights