START is a collaborative child welfare-led intervention for families with involvement with the Department of Social Services and children 0-5 years of age, who are impacted by parental substance use. START uses a system-of-care and team decision-making approach with families, treatment providers, and the courts.  The overall goals of START are to keep children safely with their parents whenever possible and to promote parental recovery and capacity to care for their children. Families work collaboratively with a child welfare worker and family mentor (peer support employee in long-term recover) team (dyad) to receive support and help break down barriers along the road to recovery. 

Primary Goals:

  • Child safety and family preservation
  • Parent involvement in treatment community recovery supports, and long-term well-being
  • Families become engaged in long term recovery and improve recovery outcomes with reduced recidivism or relapse
  • Enhance child development and emotional well-being
  • Fewer children enter state custody and out-of-home placements
  • Build comprehensive social, community, and peer support networks that address the needs of families affected by substance use and other challenges
  • Improve family functioning to prevent foster care placement and reduce Child Protective Services referrals

For more information please contact Lauren Coleman