As part of the OVC Improving Outcomes grant, the Prevention of Adolescent Risks Initiative (PARI) at the University of Maryland School of Social Work is leading the development of a strategic plan to address human trafficking in Maryland. Input will be sought from a wide variety of stakeholders throughout 2024.

This process will be collaborative, iterative, and data driven.

Maryland Human Trafficking Strategic Plan Photo

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is a Human Trafficking Strategic Plan?

A strategic plan helps organizations and advocates decide how to address a problem and outline concrete steps to get to their goals. Strategic plans can guide movements to be as effective as possible with the resources available. 

The Maryland Human Trafficking Strategic Plan will identify the key goals and objectives that our anti-trafficking community wants to achieve in the next 3 years. The development of the strategic plan will help us set priorities, plan action steps, and establish metrics for measuring progress. 

Similar strategic plans have been developed at the national level, state, and local levels.

Who will contribute to the strategic plan?

Any person, organization, or agency with a professional or personal interest in eliminating human trafficking and supporting survivors of trafficking should contribute. This can include, but is not limited to: survivors of trafficking, anti-trafficking ad.

How will the strategic plan be developed?

The strategic plan will be developed in three stages. 

  • The first phase will gather feedback through an online survey to learn about current needs, gaps, and priorities of the anti-trafficking field in Maryland.
  • The second phase will consist of one-on-one qualitative stakeholder interviews. 
  • The third phase will be several in person and virtual strategic planning input sessions to present the findings of phases 1 and 2, and gather feedback on drafts of the strategic plan. 

 This process is expected to take place in 2024 and into 2025.

I'd like to have input, how can I get involved?

Yes, we'd love to hear from you! Please complete the strategic planning survey here. If you would like to participate in a one-on-one stakeholder interview or participate in a strategic planning input session, please contact Amelia Rubenstein, LCSW-C, at amelia.rubenstein@ssw.umaryland.

How is this effort funded?

This project is supported by grant 15POVC-22-GG-01574-DTVF, awarded by the Office for Victims of Crime, Office of Justice Programs, U.S. Department of Justice to the Governor of the State of Maryland's Office on Crime Prevention and Policy (GOCPP), and sub-awarded to the University of Maryland's School of Social Work.

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