The Office of Field Education engages with over 700 agency partners throughout the State of Maryland and District of Columbia. We are always looking for great practicum opportunities for our students to gain real experience in the field to complement and enhance what they learn in the classroom.
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Agency Partners
Steps to Becoming an Agency Partner
If you are interested in becoming an agency partner and providing Field instruction to our social work students, please review the information provided in this section and complete the steps below. Expectations of the Agency specifically outlines our program and requirements for hosting social work students.
Step 2
Step 2Submit a field instructor application for each staff person who will serve as a Field Instructor for the student(s). The field instructor must be an MSW at least three years post-graduation and be on site at least 50% of the time. Please refer to the Field Instructors page for more information.
Step 3
Complete a Field Education Affiliation Agreement and send it to our inbox fieldeducation The affiliation agreement will need to be in place prior to the student beginning their field practicum.
General Information
Field Placement Schedule: Students are required to complete two, year-long field placements, which typically begin in September and end in April. Foundation (first year) field placements are generalist and direct-service in nature, and students are two days per week at the placement site. Advanced (second year) field placements are more targeted: students generally spend three full days a week at the practicum site based on their selected area of concentration.
CSWE Competencies & Behaviors: For each year of practicum, the placement site is guided to provide opportunities for students to develop social work skills and learn the competencies and behaviors set forth by the Council of Social Work Education.
Professional Liability Insurance: The university provides professional liability insurance coverage for our students while they are at their practicum site. Certificates of Insurance are issued annually and are mailed directly to the agency from a third-party vendor in August. Coverage begins September 1 and ends August 31. If you have any questions, call us at 410-706-7187 or email
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