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Project Background

Black transgender women (TGW) are disproportionately impacted by HIV with high rates of HIV acquisition and lower rates of adherence to HIV care and biomedical HIV prevention. The goal of this study is to determine factors that impact engagement in the HIV prevention continuum for Black transgender women in two communities and pilot a gender affirmation theory-informed group level intervention designed to move Black transgender women through the prevention continuum.

Importance of Project TranscendenceIllustration of three women together, one of the women is wearing a shirt with the colors of the transgender flag

Rates of HIV acquisition among Black transgender women have been alarmingly high in the United States. Project Transcendence is a two-phase study centered on HIV prevention among Black transgender women by focusing on the lived experience of participants across the United States residing within the 48 Ending the HIV Epidemic (EHE) designated counties. Getting a better understanding of the lived experience of women, even for a short period, can aid in developing the best ways to provide information and access to HIV prevention. With a research community advisory board (RCAB) comprised of all Black transgender women, this study aims to co-create an intervention to support the unique needs of transgender women when considering HIV prevention options.

Study Eligibility

To participate in the study, individuals must meet the following criteria:

  • Identify as a Black transgender woman
  • Be over the age of 18
  • Live in the United States
  • Previous sex with a male
  • Not living with HIV or Unknown HIV status
  • Have access to a mobile device with either Wi-Fi or cellular capability


The study consists of participants completing a total of 4 surveys (one month apart from one another) using a mobile device (i.e., cell phone or tablet) providing responses to questions about their experiences as an HIV-negative Black transgender woman, HIV prevention, and health behaviors. Each survey is designed to take approximately 5 minutes to complete. Participants are compensated for each survey completed earning up to $140 in the form of a gift card(s) of their choice.

We will enroll 100 Black transgender women in the study.

To enroll in this study, click to complete the eligibility screener:

For more information email Project Transcendence


This research project is funded by Gilead Sciences, Inc under grant number CO-US-412-6417.