The Center for Behavioral Health and Well-Being Research (BHWell)

BHWELL LogoThe Center for Behavioral Health and Well-Being Research (BHWell) is committed to developing, implementing, and disseminating collaborative research, training, and education in emerging adult and adult behavioral health and well-being. Through a social justice lens, we strive to foster equity by advancing behavioral health and promoting well-being among individuals, families, and communities within and around, Baltimore, the State of Maryland, and globally. 

The Center for Restorative Change

The Center of Restorative Change Logo

The Center for Restorative Change (CRC) consists of community programs including: Positive Schools Center, Promise Heights, Family Connections, Rise Family Support Center, and B'More for Healthy Babies.

Daniel Thursz Social Justice Endowed Chair and Initiatives

SSW LogoHere you will find information on Daniel Thursz, a champion of social justice who embodied and practice the best of social work values, and the activities that are being continued as part of his legacy. , Daniel Thursz Distinguished Professor of Social Justice, spearheads these efforts at the University of Maryland School of Social Work, where Professor Thursz was Dean and Faculty Member.

Family Trauma Research Assessment Education and Treatment (Fam-TREAT)

FAMTREAT LogoFam-TREAT was created to address complex trauma and child maltreatment in families. Through research and education initiatives, Fam-TREAT is dedicated to ensuring that all families, regardless of income or background, have the opportunity to heal and persevere during and after traumatic experiences. So far, Fam-TREAT has helped families in cities across the nation, and is looking to expand its services with providers domestically and internationally.

Family Welfare Research and Training Group

SSW LogoThe Family Welfare Research and Training Group is committed to providing empirical research, data management reports, and training that shape and enhance safety net and child support policies and programs for Maryland's families. We strive to assist state and local program managers, front-line staff, legislators, advocates, and other stakeholders in addressing the many challenges associated with implementing and evaluating safety net and child support programs.

The Financial Social Work Initiative (FSWI)

FSWI LogoThe Financial Social Work Initiative (FSWI) engages campus and community partners to promote economic justice and advance the economic well-being of individuals, families, and communities. FSWI combines both clinical and macro methods into an integrated approach to social work education, research, practice, and policy advocacy, offering a unique model to train social work students and practitioners in the field of financial social work.

Prevention of Adolescent Risks Initiative (PARI)

PARI LogoWith a focus on the social determinants of health and an understanding of adolescent risk and protective factors, PARI’s mission is to prevent risks and improve outcomes for adolescent health and well-being, especially with regards to human trafficking and reproductive health. We seek to intervene using effective, data-driven collaborations and to increase the capacity of community members to prevent, identify, and respond appropriately.

The Institute for Innovation and Implementation

The institute logo

The Institute for Innovation & Implementation (The Institute) highlights the practice of social work and is committed to building research-based, inclusive, culturally responsive, and transformative child-, youth-and family-serving systems and programs.



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