CJAE holds ongoing meetings monthly throughout the academic year. Meetings will resume in September 2022. Please let us know if you'd like to be advised about future meetings and other events.
Meetings are open to everyone.
Community Response to Violence: Prevention, Intervention, and Healing
School of Social Work Biannual Daniel Thursz Social Justice Event
The Virtual 2022 Spring Daniel Thursz Social Justice event was on May 10, 2022 at 5 p.m. and focused on how organizations in our Baltimore community understand and respond to violence.
Beyond the Myopia: Are Prostitution Diversion Programs a Profound Intervention or a "Band-Aid" Fix?
Watch CJAE Post-Doctoral Fellow Inbar Cohen, PhD, MA as she describes some of her work with CJAE. Here, Dr. Cohen presents some of her findings related to prostitution diversion programs.