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5 Reasons to Join Downloadable PDF

What is Child Welfare? Child Welfare is a continuum of services to ensure that children are safe and families have the necessary supports to keep children with their families, including but not limited to Child Protective Services, Family Preservation Services, and Permanency Services.  Child Welfare Social Workers visit children and their families in the home and community including schools, medical offices, etc. Child Welfare Social Workers use a variety of clinical skills to engage with families to help mutually identify areas to support.    

What will my internship look like? Child Welfare Fellows are placed in a variety of internship sites across the state of Maryland that provide public child welfare services such as family preservation, foster care, child protective services, and so much more. The majority of our students are placed in the Local Departments of Social Services located in Baltimore City, Baltimore County, Prince George’s County, and Anne Arundel County. Child Welfare Fellows placed in a Local Department of Social Services will experience engaging families and children in their homes and communities. We also have students placed in Family Connections Baltimore (within the Center for Restorative Change), Social Services Administration, and other Local Departments of Social Services throughout the state when available. While most of our internships are clinical based, we also have opportunities for students interested in Leadership, Policy, and Social Change.

What specialized training will I receive? Child Welfare Fellows will receive specialized training to help them become a successful Child Welfare Social Worker. Students will receive foundational training on Trauma Responsive Services with an anti-racist and anti-oppressive lens using the SHARP Framework by Dr. Wendy Shaia and training on the JEDI Principals. Students will also receive training in building Authentic Partnerships with families using Motivational Interviewing Skills. Additionally, students will have monthly seminars focused on Child Welfare Competencies to build a cohort and connection with other students for the one or two years in the program.      

What does the stipend and commitment look like? Child Welfare Fellows will receive a stipend of $5,000 per semester that is applied towards your tuition. Students agree to receive comprehensive training and coursework focused on public child welfare both in the field and classroom. After graduation, students are assigned to employment for a period equivalent to time in the Fellowship at a Local Department of Social Services in Maryland with excellent benefits packages, generous paid leave time, and competitive salaries starting at $70,000 for Licensed Social Workers.

How can I learn more about this program? Please send an email to Claire Meringolo at and/or Jessica Gauthier at  to learn more about the Fellowship and participate in an information session.

How to Apply: 
CWF Application Process PNG

CWF Top Reasons to Apply PNG

Upcoming Events

12:00 PM | Zoom Our faculty are providing virtual office hours every Monday* to offer a space for MSW students to learn more about the program and ask any questions they may have.
12:00 PM | Zoom Our faculty are providing virtual office hours every Monday* to offer a space for MSW students to learn more about the program and ask any questions they may have.
12:00 PM | Zoom Our faculty are providing virtual office hours every Monday* to offer a space for MSW students to learn more about the program and ask any questions they may have.

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